Infidelity | Cheating Spouse or Partner
We will treat you and your case with sensitivity, compassion, and confidentiality.

At CPI we get regular calls from people who are suspicious of their significant others, being unfaithful. The call usually starts with, “I have never done anything like this before and I don’t know what to do”. We truly understand how difficult and emotional it is to make that call and going through that situation. Rest assured, we will treat you and your case with sensitivity, compassion, and confidentiality.
Our investigation will either prove your suspicions right (our least favorite outcome) or prove that at least during the time of surveillance and investigation, we did not observe any nefarious activity. In both cases, most of our clients just want or need to know the truth so that they can make informed decisions.
We provide video proof of either outcome and are experienced testifying in court if needed.
Some signs that might suggest infidelity are:
- Changes in intimacy: A distinct increase or decrease in intimacy, affection levels, and/or sexual preferences may indicate infidelity.
- Suspicious phone habits: A spouse that hides his or her phone or is secretive about their call logs and text messages may be cheating.
- Changes in appearance: A marked change in style of dress, intimate wear, and/or personal hygiene can be a clue.
- Suspicious internet use: Much like phone habits, a cheating spouse may be overly secretive when it comes to their browser history and general internet and computer habits.
- Changes in work routine: It may seem like a cliche but a husband or wife that suddenly needs to “work late” or “go to a conference” frequently is a sign of infidelity.
- Changes in bathing habits: A spouse that showers right when they get home, switches cologne or perfume, or changes their grooming habits can be a sign of cheating.