Professional private investigator near me… serving Colorado and Wyoming
We are experienced investigation professionals who exceed standards & ethics
Below are just a few of the numerous services and why so many companies and individuals choose
Colorado Private Investigations for all of their investigative needs.

With decades of experience, this is our area of expertise. Whether you are looking to determine insurance fraud, worker’s comp fraud, diminish claims, conduct activity checks, spousal infidelities, investigate how employees actually spend their work time away from the office or to effect service of process on an evasive subject, expert surveillance techniques, advanced equipment and extensive experience can make all the difference in achieving desired results.
We are known for our creativity when a case requires us to follow a defendant down a ski slope, conduct surveillance in the vast Colorado wilderness by donning camouflage to blend into the surroundings, (watch out for wildlife!) or by leaning out of an airplane to get video. We are dedicated to completing your case in a timely and efficient manner while providing you regular case updates with video samples and daily highlights. Reports and evidence are sent out within 48 hours of case completion.
Insurance Investigations
Insurance Fraud Investigations is our specialty and area of expertise. We have conducted surveillance throughout Colorado and Wyoming and in conjunction with our network of associates have completed cases in all corners of the United States under a variety conditions [read more]

Employee Integrity Verification
As an employer or owner of a business, time is money and you hope that you have hired honest, hard-working, reliable employees. Unfortunately, sometimes those same employees end up taking advantage of the freedoms and trust they are given and “steal” from the company. There are a few different ways that an employee can… [read more]
Skip Tracing and Witness Locates
Whether you are trying to locate a missing witness, defendant, debtor, evasive subject or lost relative, it is imperative to have the most effective resources, skills and technology. With daily requests for these services, our experienced staff are efficient, discrete, creative and leave no stone un-turned. [read more]

Colorado Department of Motor Vehicle, Colorado Police Report and Court Record Retrieval
We know our way around the numerous Colorado courts and the Department of Motor Vehicle offices and can retrieve any necessary records with a valid legal reason. Colorado requires a permissible purpose in order to obtain DMV records. [read more]
Infidelity | Cheating Spouse or Partner
At CPI we get regular calls from people who are suspicious of their significant others, being unfaithful. The call usually starts with, “I have never done anything like this before and I don’t know what to do.” We truly understand how difficult and emotional it is making that call and going through that situation. Rest assured, we will treat you and your case with sensitivity [read more]

Child Custody Investigations
For parents, their children are the most important part of their lives. They are rightfully protective of their physical, mental and emotional health and safety. This can become difficult, emotional and even frightening when parents are embroiled in a custody battle. It is not always possible to know what goes on when your… [read more]