Why Choose
Colorado Private Investigations?
Ethics | Professionalism | Experience.

Simply put it’s ethics, professionalism and experience.
After seeing a need for a private investigator near me and who truly care about the client, Colorado Private Investigations, LLC was created with that concept in mind. The principals of CPI have been conducting investigations in the Denver area since 1984 and therefore understand the concerns, fears, and expectations our clients have.
During our decades of experience conducting investigations throughout Colorado and Wyoming, the investigators at Colorado Private Investigations, LLC have honed their skills and are now considered some of the most experienced and elite surveillance investigators in Colorado.
Our expertly trained investigators have an unwavering dedication to ethics, professionalism, and extensive knowledge of the law. Colorado Private Investigations, LLC is a company that clients have come to depend on for all of their investigative needs.
Dedication, tenacity, and persistence, are words that have often been used in describing the work ethic of Colorado Private Investigations, LLC. We are not only qualified and available to work your case days, nights, weekends, and holidays or whatever it takes to obtain the desired results, we are well known for going the extra mile to get the results you need in both an ethical and legal manner. Even if it means leaning out of an aircraft to obtain a video in a dense forest, hanging from a wench on a 4 wheeler to obtain a VIN# from a vehicle stuck down a mineshaft, or following a subject as they fly down a ski slope in the many mountains of Colorado.
Click to see our investigation stories.
The investigators of Colorado Private Investigations, LLC have given testimony in countless numbers of cases and are therefore very precise, professional, articulate, and comfortable giving expert testimony in any legal setting when presenting evidence to the proper authorities.
You can rest assured that when you choose Colorado Private Investigations, LLC, you are getting experienced professional investigators on every case, every time.

CPI Founder and President, Ryan Johnston has been a private investigator in Colorado since 1984. After 16 years as senior investigator with Colorado mainstay, R.A. Heales and Associates, Ryan opened his own firm, Night Moves of Denver LLC, where he created a successful company specializing in insurance defense. Later Julie Young joined the firm as a partner and together they have grown the company to became one of Colorado’s premier surveillance and investigative firms.
Ryan was instrumental in getting mandatory private investigator licensing passed in Colorado for the first time in 30 years, working closely with the Colorado state legislators.
In 2017, Night Moves of Denver through a merger and acquisition with R.A. Heales & Associates, Colorado Private Investigations LLC. (CPI) was formed.
Today, CPI, continues to be a leader in the investigative field, specializing in Insurance Defense and surveillance.
When choosing CPI, in addition to our extensive experience you can be confident that we will follow the law, only report the truth and that we will be diligent in providing you evidence and video that you can rest assured will stand up in court. We are skilled, composed and experienced in the courtroom.
CPI always maintains the most current and advanced equipment and technology to provide you with high quality evidence for your case, that will stand up in court.
40+ years experience in the field & the courtroom
* Professionalism
* Integrity
* Exceptional Client Care
* Reputation
* Credentials
* Decades of Satisfied Clients
* Many Reduced Settlements
* We know the laws and follow them!
* The many benefits of working directly with a local investigator.