The Investigators Blog

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Colorado Private Investigator Licensing-Update

Many of you might have heard the news that the Governor of Colorado vetoed the private investigator licensing bill (HB20-1207) on Saturday, July 11, 2020. There has been some confusion as to what this actually means for private investigators operating in Colorado, so...

Private Investigator Licensing-5 years in

Colorado had been one of a handful of states without mandatory private investigator licensing, and in Colorado that had been the situation since 1977. This changed on June 1, 2015 when mandatory licensing went into effect, after the PI licensing bill passed during the...

Private Investigator of Today v Yesteryear

Today's Private Investigator Ask anybody who has never had the opportunity to know, hire or deal with a private investigator, and you will get the TV version of what we have all come to know. The shady character who meets with the client in a darkened back alley, to...


BE AWARE OF SCAM ARTIST We were asked by a client to check out her business partner. She indicated that she was starting to have some questions about him, and he had an answer for everything she asked. The story starts like this. Our client met her business partner,...

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Spousal Infidelity

Cheating Spouse It is a very difficult situation when you suspect a loved one of cheating on you and the worse part is the "not knowing for sure." We field calls all the time of people who suspect spousal infidelity, wanting to know if we can help. The phone call...

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16 Month Private Investigator License

16 Month Colorado Private Investigator License For those who have waited to get their Colorado Private Investigator license, there is no better time than now. If you qualify for a private investigator license and receive one, it will not expire until February of 2014....

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WANT TO BECOME A PRIVATE INVESTIGATOR? If you are new to the private investigator business or are looking for some information about being a private investigator, plan on attending a FREE one day seminar. This is put on by PPIAC and will be in conjunction with this...

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HOW CAN SURVEILLANCE HELP YOU   An experienced Colorado licensed private investigator can conduct surveillance to assist you with your needs in a variety of cases. Surveillance can be a great tool when you are involved in a domestic situation such as separation...

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Locating a Friend or Relative

Thinking About Trying to Locate and Old Friend or Relative?   While there are numerous websites on the internet that claim to be able to locate a friend or relative fairly inexpensively, we continue to receive requests from individuals who have tried these...

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Colorado Private Investigator Licensing

New Licensing for Colorado PI's The voluntary licensing program for the Colorado private investigator will be in effect on July 1, 2012. At this time, you as a client will have to decide if you want to retain a Colorado private investigator who is licensed or one that...

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Employee Check

Ever wonder what your employees are doing during work hours when they are not at the office? In this day and age when everybody is trying to get the most for their buck, can you as an employer afford to be paying employees who are not actually working for you, while...

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Colorado Private Investigator of Tomorrow

The face of the Colorado private investigator is undergoing a major transformation. With the initiation of the voluntary Colorado licensed private investigator program, for the first time in 35 years, clients who hire a private investigator will know that the person...

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